Thursday, July 29, 2010

I've Been "Possessed"

Boo-hoo, waaaaah, bitch, bitch, moan. I've been a whiny new form of myself since I've been here in Kuwait. And not the usual craziness that's caused by my gender. I really had to catch myself the other day, because I'M sick of me right now. Realistically, I'm aware of the fact of what negative thoughts can do to you. How they start in your mind, then you start believing the thoughts and then the absurd untruths whirling and twirling around in your mind, spew out of your mouth in the form of vicious word vomit. We all do it at some point or another, and I've been guilty.

I've never experienced so many setbacks and disappointments until I got here... New country, new rules... things getting done at SNAILS pace. I've been so mad at my husband's sponsor. Holding up his passport and ruining our anniversary trip for August. We've been apart for 18 months with 4 month visits in between, so when I got to Kuwait, I thought that we'd be in the honeymoon phase and planning trips and going places RIGHT NOW. I'm a right now kind of girl. God is working on that in me. And if there was EVER a place for me to experience this thing called patience, it is right here in this country.

I've been taking a lot of deep breaths and in between a moment of peace and succumbing to Acceptance; my sweet, loving, ever-patient husband bought me this Piaget Possession ring.

I fell in love with the craftsmanship and meaning of this ring. I tried looking for this exact piece all over the internet but couldn't find a picture. Come to find out, it is a limited edition design released for the Kuwait opening of Piaget in 360 Mall this year and I got the last one. I am possessed... with the good stuff. Grace and people who love me. Most of all, I'm possessed with the love of an encouraging spouse. That's really all that matters in the end. I'm choosing not to be binded by the negative crap that periodically crosses my path. Thanks for the exquisite reminder, honey!


Lisa J. said...

Lucky girl, you have a fantastic hubby, that ring is so be-u-ti-ful! As for your emotions, what you're going through is probably culture shock. Don't worry though, everyone get's it and everyone get's over it.
You'll be fine : )

Butterfly on the Wall said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Lisa. If it weren't for his love and patience and the great bunch of friends I've made, I'd be a hot mess!